As I was reading chapter 36, I was really surprised at how well I knew the theories he tied together. When I think back to the first week of class I remembered being totally overwhelmed. The last thing I wanted to learn about was a bunch of boring theories I wouldn't understand and never have any use for. I was totally wrong. My friends and family can tell you that I constantly am telling them about a theory that would help them. My sister was contemplating breaking up with her boyfriend, she felt that the relationship had grown boring and wondered why, I read her some of the relationship maintenance theories and she understood why things were the way they were. Communication is the key to all relationships and the theories we have learned can only improve it.
I totally agree with you there! During our first couple weeks of class, I thought to myself, "What did I get myself into?" because there were a LOT of theories mentioned and it was kind of overwhelming. However, as the weeks went by, everything just kind of connected. I felt that the assignments we did really tied things together for me because they made me think!
I have to say I agree with you too. I was overwhelmed with all of these theories and was wondering how I was going to retain all of this information. I believe it helps that we can relate these theories to events that affect our lives everyday. I constantly find myself referencing theories to understand interactions that I have experienced. What you state is so true, "Communication is the key to all relationships and the theories we have learned can only improve it". I have been in a relationship for 15 years and my husband and I have grown over time. It hasn’t always been wonderful but the fact that we communicate well with each had been a major factor in our relationship lasting. Tina Turner states it right, “What’s love got to do with it?” I should say that I do love my husband but relationships to not last on love alone, the communication process is the key to a long lasting loving relationship.
I feel the exact same way. I have taken communication classes before, but this one really emphized theories. I didnt know if i could kept any of them straight. I did enjoy learning some of them because it was an insight to ceratin situations. Like the chapter on media and its effects. We are seeing the theories in action right now with the economy crisis, such as the media madley effect.
Theories do have a bad reputation as being boring or not worthwhile, as with "that's just a theory." Yet theories are essential to helping us explain all sorts of things, including human communication. As you and the others who have commented here found, communication theories are highly applicable to everyday life--at least they should be applicable if they're good theories. One of the reasons I chose the Griffin book is he covers a lot of material in a direct and straightforward way. Having an idea about so many different communication theories helps bring together what you learn in other communication classes as well as better understand your everyday experiences.
Definitely felt the parallel of your feelings and mine at the beginning of this semester. It seemed too overwhelming and isolated from other individuals to ever make sense. Yet, as I read Griffin's book, I learned so much about communication theory that I actually feel as though I've become a more successful and season communicator.
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