Chapter 17 was the perfect chapter to for me to read this week. In my Comm 140 class we had our first debate. In our groups we were to research our topics and then present them to the class. My group was given a very specific topic that made it hard to find a lot of research. In my group we went through all 4 of Hirokawa's functions. First we analyzed the problem which was how we were going to find some good research. Next we set our goals. we wanted to develop strong arguments and learn as much as we could about our topic. Since we had trouble with finding good articles and journals we had to identify alternatives. We had to ask for help from the professor who gave us some great alternatives. We finally found articles that helped back our arguments but we had a lot of different arguments. We had to evaluate what was negative and positive, what we needed and what was unnecessary. without realizing it I had used functional perspective to complete make decisions in a small group.
My group presented for argument and debate this week too. We didnt do very well though and the teacher had us go twice! I think for my next argument with my group, I will use the functional perspective theory to use and see if it sticks.
Are you in my Tues. night class?
I think that functional perspective can be used is so many facets of our lives, it is a great theory!
I see a pattern here. This week was my first debate for 140 as well! Our entire class did not do that well. I wish I had read Chapter 17 a couple weeks ago, it would have been beneficial. The functional perspective theory seems to offer help when it comes to group decision making. The text says that discussion among the group leads to a higher quality of decision making. When a group does not communicate effectively, it shows in the end. I don't think my group (or some other groups) discussed enough and it showed in the debates.
It’s kind of cool when you can experience a theory that you read about. It brings about a new understanding. I think that was a smart way to go about functioning as a team even before you read about the theory. The fact that your group identified the negative and positive was a good call. Hirokawa said in his interview that was the most important function of the four functions. It was also smart to ask the instructor to identify alternatives. So how did your team do? I read the other comments and I will definitely take note of the functional perspective when I take Comm140.
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