Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Looking Glass Self

Reading chapter 5 I learned about Mead's concept of self. Mead claimed, “we paint our self-portrait with brush strokes that come from taking the role of the other- imagining how we look to another person.” (p. 63). Humans have the ability to look at ourselves from other perspectives. Looking at our actions from another point of view helps to define who we really are. Looking glass self is defined in the text as, the mental self-image that results from taking the role of the other; the objective self; me. Without other people we would have no sense of self. We wouldn't be able to see others reactions to be able to judge our own behavior. I am very close to my sisters, we even look a lot alike, I have even been told by others that we act alike. Sometimes I will see or hear my sister do something that bugs me and then realize I do the same thing. Its because of the looking glass self concept that I am able to realize we act alike.

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